Functional Nutritional Therapy

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Karie can work with you online or in-person to put your family’s health and well-being first by focusing on nutrition – and emphasizing real, whole foods! She provides the latest nutrition information for families like yours as she offers the best advice and most current news to keep your family as healthy and safe as possible.

Achieving real health comes from getting the balance right with your nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle. It is only when you get each of these things in balance that you are able to think, move, and feel healthy.

Karie provides each client with a customized health plan that includes sustainable nutritional recommendations as well as the tools and guidance needed to achieve and maintain your personal health goals. Additionally, your initial consultation includes comprehensive and personalized nutrition recommendations based on key information from your Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, food journal, and health history.

Karie Ploeger, FNTP – I’m here for you and your health needs.

What are some of the common reasons people turn to Nutritional Therapy?

  • because they’ve struggled to lose weight
  • they’re experiencing mild skin issues
  • to reduce their battle with chronic digestive problems
  • to support and maintain optimum digestive health and nutrient absorption (i.e. aid with health issues such as IBS, acid reflux, constipation, chronic diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, food intolerances, Celiac, Crohn’s disease, and Ulcerative Colitis)
  • to manage and alleviate symptoms of autoimmune disease (RA, MS, Hashimoto’s)
  • to support and promote good skin health (psoriasis, eczema, acne, dry skin)
  • to balance hormonal imbalances (PMS, menopausal symptoms, PCOS, low libido)
  • to manage or eliminate chronic pain, joint pain, back pain, headaches, and migraines
  • to reduce symptoms of anxiety & depression, insomnia, and sleep disturbances
  • to promote and support healthy immunity
  • to optimize fertility and prenatal health
  • to improve blood sugar stabilization, energy, and mood regulation
  • to better understand food preparation and selection when dealing with food allergies or intolerances
  • for baby and childhood nutrition, including prenatal/breastfeeding diet and weaning children onto solid foods
  • to get guidance and support with special diets such as various elimination diets, gluten-free diet, GAPS diet, Paleo/Primal diets, Ketogenic diet, low carbohydrate diets, detoxification diets; of primary importance is finding the right ‘diet’ that your body thrives

What does Functional Nutritional Therapy with Karie include?

  • A hands-on, honest assessment of the products in your refrigerator, freezer, and cabinets to evaluate the quality of your food environment
  • A shopping trip together so you can stock up on items that should always be in your kitchen – along with an explanation of why these items are important
  • Guidance on toxic products in your home to avoid, including: hygiene, cleaning, and beauty products
  • Educational Q & A
  • Email support as needed

A quick note from the Nutritional Therapy Association

Nutritional Therapy identifies the root causes of deficiencies or imbalances that may be making you sick or keeping you from optimal health, nutritional therapies improve the assimilation of the nutrients you consume, which enables your body to reverse or delay chronic illness.

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I will work with you one on one to help find nutritional deficiencies. From the tools that I have, I will make nutritional recommendations based on your bio-individuality to promote balance and optimal wellness. NTP’s do not diagnose disease but I will work along with you and your practitioner to help you be the healthiest you yet.

The solution is always about improving the nutrient quality of our food, improving digestion, detoxing appropriately addressing stress in our life. Some people believe that health comes from going to a doctor, from surgery, and as a result of pharmaceutical medications but health does not really come from those ways. I believe the way we are treating chronic disease in this country is all wrong; if we bring in nutrients and repair the deficiencies, the body heals itself!

Health comes from addressing our body’s bio-individually and understanding what it needs to thrive, prevent, and reverse illness. We are what we eat or, really, what we digest. If we eat dehydrated, void of nutrient foods, we look and feel dehydrated, sickly and void of nutrients.

We take baby steps and that is one of the ways I can help. I make it doable for your lifestyle.

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Nutritional Therapy Services

Nutritional Therapy

Initial Consultation
$150.00 (90+ minutes)

Nutritional Therapy

Follow-up Sessions
$65.00 (30 minutes)

Supplementary Classes

Pantry & Fridge Cleanout
$75.00 (by appt.)

Supplementary Classes

21-Day Detox

$150.00 (by appt.)

Supplementary Classes

Grocery Store Tour
$75.00 (by appt.)

6 Month Program

6 Month Nutri-Therapy
Package Includes:
– Initial Consultation
– 6-month follow up
– Email support throughout

$475.00 (a $775 value!)